Monday, February 15, 2010

the Nonverbal cOmmunication...

erm...for me there's nOthing much I wanna write about itbecause most of us had a same idea...I know you guys are more expert than me...right??? Nonverbal communication usually the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages.

Maybe,It's important because it can seen through our gestures, body language, personal space , hairstyles, postures and even in our facial expressions or our eye contact...but watch out with your eye contact because it can cause many thing...but in cOnversation if u are nOt looking intO their eyes it seems that u are avoid or try to hide something...right???

Our body language is also can seen in the way we shake hands with people dOwn to the intonatiOn of Our voice...n sometimes Our appearance can be effect on Occupation, age, sOcial ecOnOmic level, tOur judgement n sO On...

Another than that,did you ever had an experience being in the situatiOn that you feel uncOmfOrt with the space, for example you are too close space with somebOdy you dOn't even knOw...

weLL...for me, I don't really care about it, why??? cOz I'm nOt kind of persOn too think abOut it...
-the end-


CikJanah said...

a comunication is a simple thing that you practically do it every single t just simple thing to do...

Tiha Tia said...

thank you...
your opinion is useful
to our friends...=)